Sunday 11 June 2017

Cisco: Number of Major Global DDoS Attacks to Soar By 2021

The number of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks of more than 1 Gbps will soar from 1.3 million in 2016 to 3.1 million in 2021, Cisco projected June 8 as part of the full Cisco Visual Networking Index (NIV) for 2016-2021.

The company projected that over the next five years the global digital transformation we have been seeing will continue to have a major impact on the demands and requirements of IP networks.

There are significant implications for the expected 2.5-fold increase in DDoS attacks, according to Thomas Barnett, Jr., Director of Services Marketing / Thinking Leadership at Cisco. "As service providers work to maintain and innovate their infrastructures, there are cybercriminals who work so hard to infiltrate private networks and compromise personal or proprietary data," he told the Media & Entertainment Services Alliance (MESA). email.

DDoS attacks of 1.2 Gbps or more "can inflict enough damage for most organizations to completely disconnect," he warned, adding, "A comprehensive security strategy is key to long-term sustainability and profitability. Require various levels of protection (hardware and software) to prevent network breaches and protect private records and data. "

By 2021, machine-to-machine (M2M) modules will account for 51% (13.7 billion) of total global devices and connections, accounting for 5% of the total global IP traffic .

"The Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon, in which people, processes, data and things connect to the Internet and each other, is showing tangible growth," Barnett said. Globally, M2M connections are projected to grow 2.4 times, from 5.8 billion in 2016 to 13.7 billion in 2021, according to Cisco. There will be 1.75 M2M connections for each member of the world population by 2021, predicted.

"The transition from an IPv4 environment to an IPv6 environment is essential for IoT deployments," said Barnett, adding, "Service providers need to have an IPv6 strategy to enable new device capabilities and enable IPv6-compatible content. IPv6 addressing also provides enhanced security features (as opposed to IPv4), which is also critical to the integrity and success of IoT data. "

A third major trend cited by Cisco was its prediction that 73% of global Internet traffic will be wireless, including 53% Wi-Fi and 53% through cellular connections.

"The rapid growth of mobile data traffic has been widely recognized and reported," said Barnett. But he added: "The trend towards mobility also extends to fixed networks, as a growing part of the traffic will originate from portable or mobile devices."

For mobile operators and other network operators, a "5G migration plan is extremely important," he said, adding, "From a Wi-Fi perspective, carriers must seek ratification of a new, unlicensed standard 802.11aa These wireless access innovations are inherently designed to support advanced IoT connectivity as well as personal communication devices. "

Among the other key points of this year's forecast is that there will be 1.3 billion more Internet users by 2021, which accounts for 60% of the population; Global broadband speeds will almost double; The live video will increase 15 times, representing 13% of all Internet video traffic; Augmented reality and virtual reality traffic will grow 20 times, but will only account for 1% of all entertainment traffic; The video display will represent 82% of all IP traffic; And 56% of connected flat panel TVs will support 4K for 2021.

The latest forecast for NIV depends on independent analyst forecasts and real-world network usage data, and on that basis, Cisco's own estimates for global IP traffic and service adoption are superimposed.